Hinorayam, aka Brad Dunn is an initiated shaman and has been apprenticed since 2013 and is based in Cairns Australia and regularly visits Sydney and the Gold Coast with Caroline to run group work like Shamanic Day Spas, Shamanic Circles, Ancestral Healing Events such as MindBody Constellations. He also offers personal private sessions using runes, shamanic journeys, ancestral healing via personal constellations, as well as selected courses. We follow a Naturistic Shamanic Tradition.
Hinorayam consults to SME business, looking at business ancestry, ancestral management roles and energies that prevail and disrupt business today. His background in sales, recruitment, leadership development, software engineering, product management, marketing, CRM, company directorship, talent development allows for new insights in any SME business we’ve met. Commonly we’ll undo old values-vision-mission work, free the DNA of your business and it’s leaders so you’re fresh to tackle shifting markets, with less legacy and maybe without sacking key staff that seem problematic.
Transforming or healing you or your business is an incredibly intimate journey. Caroline and Brad has a transformation methodology that maps all experiences at each part of the transformation and healing journey. This is methodology is shared with all interested clients.
Training – Hinorayam is one of the few people in the western world that is doing a shamanic apprenticeship in his family lineage. So this training goes beyond doing a course here and there, but a sustained apprenticeship, with many aspects not even discussed or available in English in texts and literature. It is expected his apprenticeship will span 30 years.